Elderly group resistance band exercise

Maximise the enjoyment of your golden years with exercise

Ageing is an inevitable part of life, and with it comes a host of physical, mental as well as biochemical changes. As much as many of us would like to remain “forever young”, there are steps we can take that could positively influence the quality of our ageing process.
By the team at Speedoc,
September 15, 2023

Regular exercise is a cornerstone of maintaining physical and mental well-being as we grow older. Being physically active comes with countless benefits such as:

  • weight management

  • better mood regulation

  • strengthening bones and muscles

  • reducing the risk of chronic diseases

  • enhancing your thinking, learning, and judgement skills 

  • improving ability to carry out everyday activities independently

In this blog post, we will be deep-diving into each of the above-mentioned benefits that regular exercise can offer in one's golden years. Read till the end to find out some activities that can get your elderly family members moving!

Importance of keeping the body active

Weight management

Exercise aids in maintaining a healthy weight, which is crucial for preventing obesity-related conditions such as diabetes and joint problems.

Stress reduction and mood regulation

Engaging in physical activities provide an effective outlet for stress, helping seniors cope better with life's challenges. 

It also stimulates the release of endorphins, known as the body's natural mood lifters. This can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety that are common among the elderly.

Strengthening bones and muscles

As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength. Exercise, particularly resistance training and weight-bearing exercises, helps to preserve and even increase muscle strength. This not only improves mobility but also reduces the risk of falls and fractures.

Weight-bearing exercises like walking and dancing can help improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in older adults.

Lowering risk of heart diseases

Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body in turn reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. 

Enhancing your cognitive functions

Regular physical activity has been linked to reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. It boosts memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. 

Maintaining independence

By improving physical strength, balance and mobility, exercise helps seniors perform daily activities with greater ease. This reduces their reliance on others and allows them to enjoy a more autonomous lifestyle. Moreover, engaging in regular exercise can provide a sense of purpose and routine in their lives as it offers a goal to work towards, whether it's walking a certain distance or increasing the number of repetitions in strength training exercises.

Stretching with elderly Speedoc

Safety first

  1. Before starting any new exercise program, especially if the elderly have any underlying health conditions, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if the exercise of choice is safe for them.
  2. Gearing up with the right outfit and equipment is also a crucial component that should not be overlooked when ensuring safety during workout sessions.
  3. Do remind your elderly loved ones to listen to their body and only engage in exercise to the point of light exertion, instead of pushing themselves too intensely. They should always be working out at their own pace and any sudden or forceful movements should be avoided.
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