With Speedoc becoming CHAS and MediSave-accredited, the amount of cash you have to pay for Speedoc’s services may start to get confusing. This is why we’re launching a new series of articles summarising how much you will have to pay out-of-pocket for our services, starting with our trademarked Chronic Disease Home Management (CDHM)™ programme for the Merdeka Generation!
Mary was born in 1958 and currently holds the Merdeka Generation card. She has diabetes and hypertension, both chronic conditions covered under the Ministry of Health’s Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP). As Mary suffers from more than 1 chronic condition, she is able to receive up to $520 in CHAS subsidies per year.
If Mary enrols in Speedoc’s CDHM™ programme for diabetes and hypertension, the amount of cash she has to fork out of pocket would be very marginal. Her medication will also be claimable from her MediSave funds.
The cost of your CDHM™ programme will differ according to your medical history and needs. For example, if you received a blood test just a month ago, your doctor may determine that you do not need to undergo the test again, and the cost will be deducted from your programme. A Speedoc Patient Care Specialist will work with you to craft your very own personalised programme.
Interested in signing up for our CDHM™ programme or simply want to speak to someone for more information? Email us today!